Koch Industries financing climate denial

Posted on | januari 12, 2011 | No Comments

Koch industries is behind a web of financing that supports conservative special interest groups focused on fighting environmental regulation, opposing clean energy legislation, and easing limits on industrial pollution. According to a Greenpeace report, this money is typically funneled through one of three “charitable” foundations the Kochs have set up (the Claude R. Lambe Foundation, the Charles G. Koch Foundation and the David H. Koch Foundation).

The Greenpeace report also features several case studies on how the Kochs’ anti-climate propaganda is disseminated and echoed throughout its vast network of front groups.

Koch industries has played a role in misinforming the public on several environmental fronts including keeping the “ClimateGate” fallacy alive.

Many of the supposed experts speaking against global warming are on the Koch payroll. From 1997 to 2008, the Kochs funneled more than $48.5 million to organizations who are working in lockstep with the Kochs’ agenda while presenting themselves as experts. Some top recipients of Koch money include:

Mercatus Center: $9,247,500 received from Koch foundations 2005-2008 [Total Koch foundation grants 1997-2008: $9,874,500]

Americans for Prosperity Foundation (AFP): $5,176,500 received from Koch foundations 2005-2008 [No Koch foundation grants received prior to 2005]

The Heritage Foundation: $1,620,000 received from Koch foundations 2005-2008 [Total Koch foundation grants 1997-2008: $3,358,000]

Cato Institute: $1,028,400 received from Koch foundations 2005-2008 [Total Koch foundation grants 1997-2008: $5,278,400]

Download the executive summary or the whole report: Executive Summary – Koch Industries: Secretly Funding the Climate Denial Machine (PDF) or Koch Industries: Secretly Funding the Climate Denial Machine (PDF).

Greenpeace has a great interactive graphic that enables users to see how Koch Industries uses their dirty money and influence.

Muckety has an another interactive graphic that shows a detailed map of the inter-relationships between Koch Industries and the different organizations that they fund. The interactive map shows current relations and former relations as well as more detailed information about items in the map.

Author: Richard Matthews, http://thegreenmarket.blogspot.com


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