Cambodia to shun bilateral dialogue with Thailand

Posted on | februari 14, 2011 | No Comments

Foreign Ministry’s letter to Thai Embassy says JBC mechanism cannot resolve border dispute. Cambodia has indefinitely postponed a boundary panel meeting with Thailand scheduled for later this month, shattering Thai hopes of settling the border conflict bilaterally.
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Annual Report of the Death Penalty in Iran in 2010

Posted on | februari 13, 2011 | No Comments

Iran Human Rights, February 11: Iran Human Rights (IHR) has published the annual report on the death penalty in Iran in 2010. The report can be downloaded.

Introduction:The annual report of 2010 is being presented at a moment when Iran is going through one of the worst execution waves since the end of 1980’s. According to official Iranian sources 85 people have been executed in January 2011. At least 3 of those executed in January 2011 were arrested in connection with the 2009 post election protests.
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Egyptian parliament disbanded, constitution suspended

Posted on | februari 13, 2011 | No Comments

The military have started to remove some of the tents at Tahrir (Al-Masry Al-Youm).

The Egyptian army has dissolved parliament and suspended the constitution, two days after Hosni Mubarak, stepped down. The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces announced on Sunday that it would remain in charge of the country for six months until a new government is formed. The military council announced the move in a statement on state television. It added that it will form a panel to amend the constitution before submitting the changes to a popular referendum.
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The Netherlands and the War on Terror … in Africa

Posted on | februari 13, 2011 | No Comments

US Joint Special Operations Task Force - Trans-Sahara

The Netherlands does not only send police trainers to Afghanistan, but also military trainers to Africa, defence periodical Jane’s Defence Weekly reports. The mission covers a territory larger than Western Europe. It is part of an exercise operation that takes place in Algeria, Chad and Senegal, to name a few. The training will focus on fighting illegal arms trade, smuggling and human trafficking, according to Jane’s. So many positive goals in one sentence calls for some skepticism. Especially when we realize what kind of troops involved.
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Rare Earth Minerals Power the Green Economy and Embolden China’s Bid for Dominance

Posted on | februari 12, 2011 | No Comments

China’s control of rare earth minerals positions the nation as the green OPEC of the future. China controls the vast majority of the world’s supply of rare earth minerals which are vital to a wide range of new technologies.
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