Iranian, Iraqi military chiefs cozy up as U.S. prepares pullout
Despite the Obama Administration’s “rose-colored glasses” assessment of Iraq’s future as a democratic haven in a sea of radical Islamist despots, political thugs and monarchs, Iraq appears open to befriending its neighbor Iran as was demonstrated yesterday. As was predicted by several former military, intelligence and law enforcement commanders, the Iraqi military and their Iranian [...]
Kenya: Elite Kenyan Special Forces revealed
[A SPECIAL INVESTIGATIVE REPORT ON KENYA’S SPECIAL FORCES IN THE FRONTLINE WAR ON AL-SHABAAB] They are the most secretive and presently are in the first line defense in the Kenya’s war on Al Shabaab. Little is known about them and their work. Within the Kenyan Defense Forces (Kenya Army, Kenya Air Force and Kenya Navy) [...]
WMD: Terrorists join organized crime in trafficking of nuclear, biological materials (VIDEO)
VIDEO: 28 September 2011 – Special meeting of the Counter-Terrorism Committee commemorating the adoption of Security Council resolution 1373 (2001) and the establishment of the Committee. More and more world leaders are becoming concerned over the close connection between terrorists and trannsational organized crime (TOC), including their cooperation with one another in the illegal movement [...]
On Killing U.S. Citizens
A few days ago, Charlie Savage wrote an article for the Times reporting on a sub-rosa 50-page U.S. legal memorandum drafted in 2010 justifying the execution of a U.S. citizen without a trial. David Barron and Martin Lederman, the drafters of the memo and both decisive lawyers in the Office of Legal Counsel then, posit [...]
Is Iran behind the Saudi assassination plot?
On 11 October 2011, the Obama administration accused members of the Iranian government of plotting with Mexican drug lords to kill the Saudi Arabian ambassador in the US, as part of a global terrorist campaign – that the plot is linked to ‘global terrorism’ is a link the US wants people to make, but without [...]
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