UN allows for sanctions in Somalia against violators of children
In a press statement issued, on Tuesday, 2 August 2011, United Nations Special Representative for the Secretary-General on Children and Armed Conflict, Radhika Coomaraswamy stated that she welcomed the decision by the UN Security Council made earlier that week, which allowed for sanctions against Somalia earlier that week. “Starting today, in Somalia, if you kill, [...]
UN expands list of parties acting against children in conflict
The UN Security Council held its annual Open Debate on Children and Armed Conflict, 12 July 2011 in New York, at which time the Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution expanding the criteria for listing parties to conflict in the Secretary-General’s annual report, the 10th Annual Report on Children and Armed Conflict, published in April [...]
World Day Against Child Labor
As children across the United States begin to break from school for summer vacations, others across the globe have yet to see a classroom and their is no ‘break’ for them this summer as they are forced to work. The term “child labor” is most often defined as work which deprives children of their childhood, [...]
Bangladesh ambitious plan to reach Vitamin A to 19mi children
Bangladesh in an ambitious plan will dispense of Vitamin A doses to nearly 19 million children aged below five years from Sunday. In a nationwide campaign, thousands of volunteers, also school students will provide life-saving Vitamin A supplements to combat chronic deficiency, which cause night blindness, a sign of severe malnutrition. Blog this! Bookmark on [...]
Looking deaper into child marriage
Everyday across the globe 25,000 girls are married according to World Vision’s report, Before She’s Ready. Despite these shocking statistics the topic of child marriage has become somewhat taboo, to many it is nothingness than unimaginable, but this unspeakable practice while outdated is alive and well in many cultures across the globe. Blog this! Bookmark [...]
10th Annual Report on Children and Armed Conflict
On 11 May the Secretary General for Children and Armed Conflict of the United Nations issued the Annual Report of the Secretary-General to the Security Council on Children and Armed Conflict. Each year the report is published to lists those parties involved in the recruitment of children in armed conflict, as well and use, kill [...]
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