The War Between the Earth’s Carrying Capacity and Rising Demand
Worldwatch Institute’s Vital Signs 2012 showcases the planet’s growing demand for food and energy, its shrinking resources, and the implications of this dilemma. The global economy continued to grow last year, world population surpassed 7 billion, and the use of energy and other natural resources generally rose. The Worldwatch Institute captures the impacts of this [...]
Top Four Climate Studies of 2011
The Washington Post reports that 2011 was an “extraordinarily turbulent” year for the Earth’s climate system. In the US there were record breaking extremes, from tornados to droughts. Two studies revealed how a warmer world is increasing the likelihood of heavy precipitation events. An Environment Canada study, found that the growing amount of heat-trapping gases [...]
Adri Nieuwhof's triptych:
NL-Aid is editing with Euroglot software -
Rosenthal calls on Friends of Syria to support defectors
April 2, 2012 -
The Netherlands to host Nuclear Security Summit in 2014
March 28, 2012 -
The Netherlands to give €4 million in humanitarian aid to South Sudan
March 28, 2012
"In times of crisis, the EU must not forget the poorest in the world", says Commissioner Piebalgs. EU confirms its position as the world's largest aid donor in 2011
Publication of preliminary data on Official Development Assistance, 2011
Maria Damanaki European Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries EuroMediterranean Conference on Research and Innovation Barcelona, 3 April 2012
Photographers on NL-Aid
Global Peacekeeping Missions on NL-Aid