The All-Out Hypocrisy of Arab League and the West
After the Arab League hypocritically suspended the membership of Syria amid the mounting pressures of NATO and the United States, the resurgence of violence in Egypt and the increasing use of excessive force in Bahrain and Yemen and the unrelenting massacre of innocent civilians by the barbaric regime of Al Khalifa and Ali Abdullah Saleh [...]
Former Fox News analyst at center of Pakistani firestorm
Pakistan’s powerful army has become enraged after a secret memo indicated President Asif Ali Zardari’s government asked for U.S. help to prevent a military coup following the Navy SEAL raid in May that killed Osama bin Laden. – Washington Post, November 18, 2011. Former Fox News Channel Middle East analyst, businessman Mansoor Ijaz, is at [...]
US Senators urges was against Pakistan
On 25 September 2011, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham serving on the Senate Armed Services Committee stated on FOX NEWS that the U.S. should consider war against Pakistan, a country known to have supported anti-NATO Afghan rebels. Although the war in Afghanistan is unpopular with the majority of Pakistanis, although it is unpopular with NATO allies, [...]