BANGLADESH: DGFI tortured to death labor activist Aminul Islam

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wazed, Prime Minister’s Office, Bangladesh Re: BANGLADESH: DGFI tortured to death labor activist Aminul Islam Dear Prime Minister, I have recently learned that Aminul Islam was found dead after apparently suffering grievous torture under circumstances that raise concerns of involvement by Bangladeshi security forces specifically military intelligence DGFI. Aminul Islam went [...]

New York City is nation’s #1 terrorist target, say officials

The recent international bombings and bomb plots occurring throughout the Middle East, North Africa and Asia within the past few days are being analyzed this week by U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies including the New York City Police Department’s Intelligence Division. A number of these plots are believed to be connected to Iran and [...]

Côte d’Ivoire: Hackers Threaten Intelligence Agency Upon Arrest of Journalist

Managing editor of Ivorian newspaper Le Patriote, Charles Sanga, was arrested on January 31, 2012 after his newspaper revealed that the Constitutional Court of Côte d’Ivoire decided to annul results of the recent Parliamentary Elections in 11 districts. Ivorian newspaper Nord-Sud say he was released after 24-hours of detention by the Directorate of Territorial Surveillance [...]

Iranian, Iraqi military chiefs cozy up as U.S. prepares pullout

Despite the Obama Administration’s “rose-colored glasses” assessment of Iraq’s future as a democratic haven in a sea of radical Islamist despots, political thugs and monarchs, Iraq appears open to befriending its neighbor Iran as was demonstrated yesterday. As was predicted by several former military, intelligence and law enforcement commanders, the Iraqi military and their Iranian [...]

Rights group urge scrutiny of Bangladesh spy agency

Bangladesh security agencies need to be under scrutiny of the parliament as they are blamed for infringement of privacy through tapping of phones and hacking emails. Former senior bureaucrat Margub Murshed stated this that when he was the head of the telecom regulatory body, he turned down the offer by security agencies from wire tapping [...]

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