Does NATO best serve US and EU strategic interests?
The product of the early Cold War and US containment policy intended to forge a military sphere of influence that was also a political and economic sphere west of the Iron Curtain and south of the ‘Northern Tier’ (Greece, Turkey and Iran), NATO became obsolete with German re-unification and the end of the Cold War. [...]
Destroying to rebuild: the paradoxical logic of war
There is a video game called Destroy All Humans! 2: Make War Not Love that has been around for five years – from what I know at least, considering my ignorance of these things. While young people play this game to fill the void with pent-up energy that the video game allows to release, the [...]
Secretary Clinton targets Army of Islam and Haqqani Network leaders
Africa, France: Who is Nafissatou Diallo? Victim or conspirator? (VIDEOS)
How to make Taliban tunnel part of the reconciliation program?
Hope in the face of the fastest ever rise in greenhouse gas emissions
Economic collateral damage – from suicides to human trafficking
Gambia: Farmers’ Platform denies aflo-toxin affects Gambian peanuts
Unity to make workers voice heard- a spark of change in India
Chad signs plan to end recruitment and use of children in national army and security forces
Adri Nieuwhof's triptych:
The Demand For Partition Of India
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