Piggipedia: SS directors of departments
The site 25 Leaks has published a 2008 State Security Police document, detailing some of the new departments established within the now dissolved apparatus. Tons of names are listed and I invite you to check them out and come forward with any more information you have about them. These officers who ran Mubarak’s gestapo should [...]
Piggipedia – SS General Mohsen Hafzi
Appointed on 14 April 2011 as the governor of Daqahliya, former State Security Police General Mohsen Hafzi has been the target of ongoing protests by the citizens in the province, over his ties to the Mubarak’s regime and the dissolved SS. Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Recommend on Facebook Tip on Hyves Share on Linkedin [...]
UK firm offered spying software to SS
Gamma’s Anti-Skype Finfisher Spy Software Gamma International’s Finfisher program would have enabled government spies to monitor activists and censor websites, according to documents obtained by activists after storming State Security Police headquarters in Nasr City… Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Recommend on Facebook Tip on Hyves Share on Linkedin Share on technorati Tweet about it [...]
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