The State of the Disunion – Inconsistency Backfires on European Union’s Foreign Policy
The revolutionary uprisings in North Africa have been a true earthquake for Europe’s foreign policy standing in the region. The way how the EU reacted on this critical challenge tells a lot about the state of disunion in regard to its foreign policy. Both individual EU Member States and the EU itself were slow to [...]
Tanzania: It is claimed a cure for AIDS has been found in Loliondo
Four people, among them possibly one woman, were hanged in Southeastern Iran
BIF: Cancun outcome, the gasolinazo, indigenous justice and Cossio in Paraguay
Attorney General Holder blasted for “creating public safety hazard”
Dead end military solutions – market hegemony over the state
Adri Nieuwhof's triptych:
The Demand For Partition Of India
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