INDIA: An innocent person chased by the police and murdered in Kerala

Mr Oommen Chandy, Chief Minister, Re: INDIA: An innocent person chased by the police and murdered in Kerala Dear Chief Minister of Kerala, Name of victim: Mr. Rajan, alias Thomas, aged 50 years, son of Jose, Kunnamkudathu House, Vadakkumuri PO, Peringotukara, Thrissur, Kerala Name of alleged perpetrator: Densemon, Civil Police Officer, stationed at Anthikkadu [...]

INDIA: Woman brutally tortured and raped by police while in custody in West Bengal

Dear Chairperson of NHRC, INDIA: Investigate the case of custodial rape and torture by the Hariharpara police in Murshidabad of West Bengal Name of victim: In order to prevent social victimization of the victims involved in sexual offences The AHRC takes the stand of non-disclosure of the Identity of the victim. Names of alleged perpetrators: [...]

The Children, Our Future? Sexual and Physical Abuse of Children in the Caribbean, specifically Suriname

The online newspapers of Suriname consistently report about the sexual abuse of minors. Most of these stories depict harrowing tales of abuse, oftentimes committed by somebody within the immediate circle (family, relatives or neighbors). These stories make headlines because the perpetrators were arrested, the assumption therefore is that sexual abuse of minors has reached epic [...]

Africa, France: Who is Nafissatou Diallo? Victim or conspirator? (VIDEOS)

In the debate over the alleged sexual assault by former International Monetary Fund managing director, Dominique Strauss-Kahn (DSK) of a hotel chambermaid in New York on May 14, 2011, attention is now shifting from his guilt or innocence, to the identity of the alleged victim. Nafissatou Diallo [fr] is a Guinean woman who received political [...]

Man killed for not wanting to vote

The murdered man, identified only as ‘Andries’ in Twitter-messages, was pictured below in the veld after he was found with his throat cut next to Campbell Road in Boksburg North. Local journalist Fanie Mthupha obtained information at the scene and from a female relative that four black males had driven up in a 4wd vehicle [...]

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