Cambodia to shun bilateral dialogue with Thailand

Foreign Ministry’s letter to Thai Embassy says JBC mechanism cannot resolve border dispute. Cambodia has indefinitely postponed a boundary panel meeting with Thailand scheduled for later this month, shattering Thai hopes of settling the border conflict bilaterally. Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Recommend on Facebook Tip on Hyves Share on Linkedin Share on technorati Tweet [...]

Rare Earth Minerals Power the Green Economy and Embolden China’s Bid for Dominance

China’s control of rare earth minerals positions the nation as the green OPEC of the future. China controls the vast majority of the world’s supply of rare earth minerals which are vital to a wide range of new technologies. Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Recommend on Facebook Tip on Hyves Share on Linkedin Share on [...]

The Philippines Blunder over Taiwan

From the beginning, the Aquino government has shown an ineptitude at diplomacy despite retaining the services of a Foreign Affairs secretary with more than six years of experience. People may have forgotten, for example, about the embarrassment over the President’s premature plan to visit Indonesia in September, or perhaps even the poor etiquette of a [...]

Beijing’s Response to Egypt’s Revolution – by Willy Lam

News and Media coverage in China, is generally not my area of expertise… but this is the best account I have seen of the reaction by China’s authorities on developments in Egypt. Willy Lam has an intimate knowledge of developments in China, which is why I am reproducing his recent commentary on Beijing’s response to [...]

Green Investment Opportunities in China

Investments by the Chinese government are creating a wealth of green sector opportunities. China’s huge business and consumer base is creating demand for everything from renewable energy to green buildings. A good illustration of the profit potential afforded by China’s green market comes from Chan Han Meng, executive director of Nature Elements Capital. According to [...]

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