SADC extra-ordinary summit on Zimbabwe final update and communique
Allow me to thank, commend and applaud the SADC leaders for doing the right thing at the just ended SADC Extraordinary Summit on Zimbabwe in which the SADC leaders have stood firm, strong and right on the legitimate demands, wishes and will of the ordinary and majority people of Zimbabwe by : 1: fully adopting, [...]
Sierra Leone enters a golden age! 50 Years
On April 27th of this year, Sierra Leoneans will celebrate the 50th anniversary of their country. The hopes and aspirations of Sierra Leone’s founding fathers, when they agitated for independence from the British colonialists, were for a fully democratic country that would give dignity and pride to its citizens. Sierra Leone’s first prime minister, Milton [...]
The State of the Disunion – Inconsistency Backfires on European Union’s Foreign Policy
The revolutionary uprisings in North Africa have been a true earthquake for Europe’s foreign policy standing in the region. The way how the EU reacted on this critical challenge tells a lot about the state of disunion in regard to its foreign policy. Both individual EU Member States and the EU itself were slow to [...]
Waiting for Godot: Democratization in Southeast Asia
In Samuel Beckett’s famous absurdist play the two principal characters, Vladimir and Estragon, wait endlessly in vain for the arrival of Godot. Observing politics in Southeast Asia one can often feel like Beckett’s two characters when it comes to waiting for democratic reforms and political liberalization. Frequently there are false dawns, and multiple setbacks but [...]
Serious doubts about the role of the Egyptian military (VIDEO)
It is not the first time that reports emerge about the sometimes dubious role of the Egyptian military, after they stepped in in the streets of Cairo, during the protests that ultimately led to the depature of president Hosni Mubarak. Stories of torture had been heard before, and some pictures had circulated. Here are two [...]