Annual report on the death penalty in Iran 2011
As the Iranian authorities continue the crackdown of the dissidents and the civil society, Iran Human Rights (IHR) presents its annual report on the death penalty in 2011 in Iran. The report was presented in press conferences at the Italian Senate, Paris City Hall and University of Oslo las week. Introduction: The execution wave that [...]
12 executions in Shiraz (southern Iran) today: five executions in public and seven executions in the prison
According to the reports from Iran 12 prisoners were executed in the city of Shiraz (southern Iran) today January 15th. Iran Human Rights (IHR) had earlier this week warned about the scheduled execution of nine prisoners in Shiraz. According to the state run Iranian news agency Fars, five prisoners were hanged publicly in three different [...]
Four prisoners executed in Iran: Three hanged publicly
Three prisoners were hanged publicly in two Iranian towns yesterday 13. December and one prisoner was hanged today, reported the Iranian state media. Two prisoners hanged publicly in south-western Iran: Two men were hanged publicly in the town of Rostam (Fars province, southern Iran) yesterday morning (Tuesday December 13), reported the state run Iranian news [...]
Five people were executed in Iran
Five people were hanged in two different Iranian prisons reported the Iranian state media. According to the state run Iranian news agency Fars, two prisoners were hanged in the prison of Qom (south of Tehran) yesterday morning November 11. The prisoners were identified as “J. S.” (67 years old) convicted of carrying 13 kilos and [...]
5 Somali pirates sentenced to Dutch prison
The criminal court in Rotterdam, the Netherlands has sentenced five Somalian pirates, captured by the Dutch navy after hijacking a South African yacht and kidnapping two of its South African crew-members, to up to 7 years imprisonment today, reports the Dutch news agency. Although the Dutch navy rescued the South African skipper and his [...]
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