Demagoguery, Thy Name is Mugabe
Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe’s volatile and unpredictable President has moved from his insistence that his country would hold elections in 2011 and now says that Zimbabwe’s elections will be held no later than March 2012. For Mugabe the exact date of the elections matters much less, it seems, than his ability to dictate terms. For Mugabe [...]
Zimbabwe Finance Minisiter, Tendai Biti is right and spot on civil servants
The Right Honorable Finance Minister of Zimbabwe, His Honor Tendai Biti is right with his latest stance on Civil servants in which he has basically said “Yes to Civil Servants salary increases but not before we fix what must be fixed”. The era of greedy, reckless, populist and unaccounted for spending and over spending which [...]
What an outright majority MDC government and Tsvangirai presidency will do and deliver for Zimbabwe
Our biggest priorities as Democrats in the MDC led by His Excellency,the Right Honorable Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai are the economy, democratization, job creation, reclamation and restoration of basic human rights and the rule of law as well as investments in science, research, technology and innovation which will transform Zimbabwe into a modern, fair, just, [...]