Middle East: mid-2011 assessment of Arab Revolts
Mid-point in 2011 the situation in the rebellious Middle East looks very pessimistic for both rebels and governments. The situation in Syria has deteriorated to the point of impossibility of President Assad’s ability to salvage his regime. The blood of thousands cannot be wiped under the rug, and it is only a matter of time [...]
Israel always needs an existential threat to survive
Nima Shirazi is a political commentator from New York City. His analysis of United States foreign policy and Middle East issues, particularly with reference to current events in Israel, Palestine, and Iran, is published on his website, WideAsleepInAmerica.com. Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Recommend on Facebook Tip on Hyves Share on Linkedin Share on technorati [...]
U.S. support for brutal dictators is a source of frustration in the Middle East: Anthony DiMaggio
Anthony DiMaggio is a university professor, writer, political commentator and media expert. He is the author of numerous books, including Mass Media, Mass Propaganda (2008), When Media Goes to War (2010), and Crashing the Tea Party (2011). He has taught U.S. and Global Politics at Illinois State University, and published articles and commentaries in a [...]
Syria & Iran: diplomacy and covert operations
Israel, the US, Israel, and some EU nations would love for Syria to undergo regime change, but not for the right reasons as many democratically-minded people wish. The interest of US, Israel and EU is to keep the Middle East weak and divided, and its assets sold at low prices through western corporations. Blog this! [...]
Many U.S. officials see the events in Bahrain as part of the chess game with Iran: Robert Naiman
Robert Naiman is Policy Director at Just Foreign Policy. Mr. Naiman edits the Just Foreign Policy daily news summary and writes on U.S. foreign policy at Huffington Post. Naiman has worked as a policy analyst and researcher at the Center for Economic and Policy Research and Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch. He is president of [...]
International silence over the Middle East felonies
As the U.S.-backed repressive regimes of the Middle East harshly crack down on their unarmed, innocent citizens, the international community has kept a low profile and indifferently watches the massacre of pro-freedom demonstrators in Libya, Bahrain and Yemen by the merciless dictators of the Persian Gulf region. Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Recommend on Facebook [...]
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