Super Tucano for Indonesia Air Force arrived next year
Posted on | augustus 27, 2011 | 2 Comments
Embraer (Empressa Brasileira de Aeronautica) said they will sell a squadron of Super Tucano EMB-314 turbobrop trainer. The plane is planned to replace the aging Indonesia Air Force OV-10 Bronco. Embraer said the first phase delivery will go on March 2012 with 8 plane as preliminary. Embraer has production facility at Gavio Peixoto and Botucatu at Sao Paolo in producing EMB-314 for Indonesia. The several mission can be carried by the plane are patrol mission, Counter insurgent mission, training mission and decoy plane.
The plane has digital display cockpits and more often is advancing from EMB-312 turbobrop trainer around 1990′s. The size of the plane is closely to Short Tucano, the same type were used by UK RAF. The only different is, Super Tucano using Pratt&Whitney PT6A-67R with 1,600 SHP in 5 blade made by Hartzell company. Super Tucano made its maiden flight at Spetember 9th 1991 and entering competition in gaining JPATS contract. The contract was issued by the US Army in order to replace US army aging fleet). In this contract, Embraer lost to Beechcraft and Pilatus design. Only by that, Embraer flag carrier became more well known both in publicity and military department around the globe.
The firm didn’t produce any sophisticate state of art combat fighter or bomber with high performance but more focusing in border surveillance and anti riots plane. It is also never built jetliner that able to carry 200 seat inside the cabin just like Airbus and Boeing do but focusing on 100 seat and bussiness jet category jetliner.
Eventough Super Tucano didn’t win JPATS, Embraer made certain overhauled to answer the Brazillian Air Force requirement. Meanwhile US Navy purchased the Super Tucano in doing irregular mission (spesial ops mission- irregular warfare). Officially user for this plane type only 5 countries such as Brazillian Air Force, Colombia Air Force, Chile Air Force(12), Dominique Republic Air Force and Indonesia Air Force.
The plane endurance flight is about 6 hours depend on warfare carried. It may bring certain sensors equipment , heavy cannon on each wings, carrying bombs, rocket pods and fuel pods. Another good thing is the plane can land on the unprepared air strips even on the grass refuel before re-teke off.
Embraer have several famous jetliners products line such as: Phenom, Legacy, Lineage, ERJ(Embraer Regional Jet)-145/170/190. Embraer itself was found by Alberto Santos Dumont at 1969 based in CTA (Center Technical Aeronautical) which set up at 1946 at Sao Jose dos Compos. This became the center of Embraer firm and well known as aeronautical town. Other agencies are Deparemento de Ciencia e Technologia Aerospacial and ITA(Instituto Technologico de Aeronautica) which built in 1950. How about Indonesia?
E-MAIL: ricky_flanker [at]
Tags: Aeronautica > Botucatu > Brazillian Air Force > Chile Air Force > Colombia Air Force > CTA > Dominique Republic Air Force > EMB-312 turbobrop > EMB-314 turbobrop > Embraer > ERJ > Gavio Peixoto > Indonesia Air Force > ITA > JPATS > Legacy > Lineage > OV-10 Bronco > Phenom > Pratt&Whitney > PT6A-67R > Super Tucano > Tucano EMB-314
2 Responses to “Super Tucano for Indonesia Air Force arrived next year”
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augustus 28th, 2011 @ 20:49
Hi, Ricky!
Your article is very precise and informative, but in the last paragraph you wrote that Embraer was found by Alberto Santos Dumont, which is not true. Indeed Santos Dumond – Brazilian early pioneer of aviation – died in 1932, and Embraer was found some decades later.
My congratulations for the article.
augustus 29th, 2011 @ 05:01
thank you Mr/Mrs. A.L. Mirri for correction. I’ll check and fixed the article later. It’s good insertion.