At least one person killed, several wounded and tens arrested in the pro-democracy protests in Iran today
Posted on | februari 15, 2011 | No Comments
According to the reports from reliable sources from Iran, one person was shot dead, several wounded and arrested in today’s pro-democracy protests in Tehran.
Iranian state run news agencies confirmed one being shot dead and three wounded by gun shot, but they blamed the opposition for the shootings. In the biggest anti-government protest demonstrations since Ashura (December 2009) thousands of people went on the streets on Tehran and several other Iranian cities today. The demonstrations shouted slogans such as:
“Down with the dictator” and “Mubarak, Bin Ali, now it is your turn Syed Ali” referring to the toppled Egyptian and Tunisian Presidents and the Iranian Supreme leader Syed Ali Khamenei.
The security guards used tear gas to spread the crowd and in some areas plain cloths attached the people with guns.
Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam, the spokesperson of Iran Human Rights, strongly condemned the crack down of the protesters by the Iranian authorities and said:
“We demand the immediate release of those arrested under today’s protests and we urge the world community to condemn the crackdown of the peaceful demonstrators who are asking for their legitimate rights”. Amiry-Moghaddam added: “Today’s protests show that the Iranian regime’s strategy of spreading fear through executions of hundreds in the past months has failed”.
Investigations about the actual number of causalities are still going on
AUTHOR: Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam
Tags: Bin Ali > Iran > Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam > Mubarak > Syed Ali > Tehran
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