Probe ANC for genocide: The Hague petition

Posted on | april 7, 2011 | No Comments

Mr Paul Kruger, the convenor and legal counsel of the Boer-Afrikaner Nation’s Volksraadsverkiesingskomitee (VVK), walked into the International Criminal Court in The Hague on Tuesday-afternoon and handed in a formal genocide-complaint against the Government of the Republic of South Africa and the African National Congress Party on behalf of the non-political, non-profit cultural ‘Verkenner’ movement.

International Criminal Court in the Hague was asked to investigate genocide-charges against the ruling African National Congress and the SA government – targetting the Boer-Afrikaner nation: The formal complaint, lodged by the cultural Verkenner movement, was formally accepted by an ICC official. 

Mr Kruger said the formal request was lodged on behalf of the entire Boer Afrikaner Nation by a non-political, non-profit cultural organisation – the Verkenner Movement of SA.

The cultural organisation asks the ICC in its petition to formally launch a thorough investigation into a charge of genocide against the ruling African National Congress party and the Government of South Africa.

Earlier that day, Mr Kruger had also held a press conference at the Unrepresented Nations’ and Peoples’ Organisation (UNPO) nearby, highlighting the growing plight of his people. (link) He is currently touring northern Europe to talk to representatives of human-rights organisations, international organisations such as UNPO, the news media and government officials. He will visit Belgium on Wednesday and was in Germany last week.

On the same day, it was also announced that the civil-rights movement Afriforum is also taking ANC youth leader Julius Malema to battle at the United Nations over his genocidal hatespeech campaign against the Boer-Afrikaner nation.

The ICC-complaint lodged in The Hague on Friday provided several hundred pages of exploratory documentation for the ICC to peruse. It is only the start of the investigation process: there now will be a liaison-procedure created between the ICC and the complainants in South Africa to assist in the investigation.

The petition noted that ‘specific experts amongst the international community have already acknowledged and warned that a genocide is being conducted against the complainants – namely the Boer-Afrikaner nation. ”

“Both accused parties (the ANC and the SA government) are not only creating a climate of violence in which such a racism-driven genocide can take place, but we also allege that the accused two parties also support it; and moreover are undertaking no specific steps to end the genocide against the complaint-nation.’

The Boer-Afrikaner nation is universally recognised as an individual nation with a unique ethnic-cultural culture, which is based on European origin but is rooted in Afrika, and primarily live within the legal borders of the Republic of South Africa, it was noted.

‘One-million Boer-Afrikaners already fled from the genocide being conducted:’
The document submits that more than one-million of the Boer-Afrikaners have already fled from the country of their birth to many other foreign states to flee from the genocide being conducted against them.

“The political party which currently rules South Africa – the African National Congress – gained hegemony 17 years ago, in 1994. And while the international community describes it as a ‘de jure democracy’ because elections are held every five years, the ANC-rule rather is a ‘de facto dictatorship’ which due to the overwhelming race-driven black-majority block-voting, disallows any meaningful participation or influence on the electoral process by the Boer-Afrikaner nation.

In the past four decades the now ruling party of South Africa and its front-organisations carried out and/or approved of acts of murder, torture, arson and terrorism and thus created an insane ‘culture of violence across the entire spectrum of society.”

“In the international area, the ruling ANC’s gruesome reign of terrorism has been largely ignored while it was being supported as a ‘freedom movement’. And such double-standards currently allow the ANC to maintain its culture of violence and its terrorism against the population of South Africa, in the apparent belief that the international community will continue to ignore such violence.”

“The Boer-Afrikaner has for the past decades, become a marginalised population-group which is being demonised in every possible way, through the government-controlled public newsmedia (SABC); through its educational curriculum, and through every other possible means, including all employers and business-owners being forced to hire blacks, while at the same time denying Boer-Afrikaners every opportunity to survive economically – thus forcing hundreds-of-thousands of Boer-Afrikaners into squatter-camps, and also forcing them to leave the country of their birth in search of a better environment.’

The document submits many examples of ‘the ANC-regime’s willful, methodical and systematic physical elimination of the Boer-Afrikaner nation’ including through violent means’. The document also submits that the ‘overwhelming number of murderers of whites in South Africa are blacks; that very few whites are killed by other whites; and that very few whites kill blacks except in self-defence.”

“The cumulative effect of all these policies and laws and activities by the Government of South Africa and by the ruling African National Congress party are having ‘the cumulative effect of a genocide’ being perpetuated against the Boer-Afrikaner nation’.

The document points out that the ruling party and the government of South Africa have not only failed in their ‘duty of care for the protection of the Boer-Afrikaner nation’ but that their demonisation campaign of the Boer-Afrikaner nation also uses hatespeech slogans and music which deliberately incites blacks in South Africa to kill members of the Boer-Afrikaner nation’.

The two accused parties also show a ‘deliberate failure to take any specific steps to reduce the extraordinarily-high murder-percentage targetting the Boer-Afrikaner nation.’

The document also points to the deliberate disarming of the Boer-Afrikaner nation through rigid gun-control laws which severely interfere with the ability of the people to defend themselves with personal weapons while at the same time ‘many thousands of firearms disappear each year while under the control of the SA Police Service and other government-controled bodies’.

Many examples of race-driven violent actions, hatespeech incidents and terror-style attacks targetting many members of Boer-Afrikaner nation also were provided. However, Mr Kruger said this was only the first step in the process: upon his return to South Africa his organisation would continue to collect evidence through its ongoing “Projek 2010’ evidence-gathering project.


Human rights violations on record include:
a) Ethnic-cleansing of Afrikaners from their traditional farms, towns and cities through land-confiscation and armed violence:- .. also includes the government-directed removal of their cultural rights; the deliberate impoverishment of Afrikaners due to the near-total ban on access to the labour market in South Africa for all the Afrikaner-Boer workers under ANC-laws: creating hundreds of Afrikaner ghetto-shantytowns where children suffer starvation (denied both food-aid and government support-benefits):

Dutch documentary by journalist Saskia Vredeveld (IKON-TV) “Arm Blanken/Poor Whites” :

b) Laws created by ANC-regime bar all indigenous skilled ‘white’ citizens from entire SA labour market : the only legal criteria allowed for hiring workers is ‘racial representation” i.a. in favour of 94% black majority in each individual organisation:


c) Widespread armed attacks by youth-militias against urban and suburban Afrikaner/boer families — accompanied by massive hatespeech campaign by ANC-regime’ – which advocates use of genocidal hatespeech chant sat public meetings i.a.: ‘Kill the Boer ‘ and ” One Bullet One White infant ’

for the latest murder attacks, sexual mutilation attacks, executions and murders on
Picture galleries of victims of the above: 2010/2011: en DVD of documentary “A Bloody Harvest” by SA TV-documentary producer Susan Puren of M-Net:

YouTube videos: and

d) Top genocide expert warns of Boers under serious threat from black-racists: Dr Gregory Stanton,


e) Current trials of black youths who slaughtered Afrikaner/Boer families – often execution-style, often accompanied with horrific sexual-mutilations etc are hardly reported in the mainstream English-language news media:

AUTHOR: Adriana Stuijt
E-MAIL: a.j.stuijt [at]


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