Saudi Arabia executes 8 Bangladeshi migrants, despite mercy appeal

Posted on | oktober 10, 2011 | 5 Comments

Saudi Arabian authority beheaded by sword 8 Bangladesh born migrants in capital Riyadh on Friday amidst protest by Amnesty International (AI). The authorities in Bangladesh embassy in Riyadh confirmed their execution. The Labour Counsellor of the mission Harun-or Rashid said that the slain convicts were buried in Saudi Arabia. Promptly the London based rights group AI condemned the execution in a statement on Friday. Criticizing the process of conviction, the rights body said that it might have been only based on confessions obtained under duress or deception. Bangladesh officials said the convicts were sentenced to death for armed robbery and alleged murder of an Egyptian man in April 2007.

Riyadh authorities refrained from informing the Bangladesh mission, but the diplomat said the embassy will seek permission whether the dead bodies could be brought home for the mourning relatives and also observe rituals according to Muslim custom. A letter on behalf of the president of Bangladesh was sent to the King of Saudi Arabia seeking his mercy to the convicts, the diplomat said.

Rashid said that in response to the appeal by the president, the foreign ministry of Saudi Arabia communicated that only the family of the deceased have the right to pardon the convicts according to the Koran.

Scores of Arabs at Justice Square near Al Hakam Palace in Riyadh witnessed the executions of the Bangladesh citizens were Ma’mun Abdul Mannan, Faruq Jamal, Sumon Miah, Mohammed Sumon, Shafiq al-Islam, Mas’ud Shamsul Haque, Abu al-Hussain Ahmed, Mutir al-Rahman, the rights watchdog report said.

Three other Bangladeshis were sentenced to prison terms and flogging indicted in same crime.

Most of the defendants have no defense lawyer, have insufficient fluency of Arabic language to follow proceedings and in many cases are not informed of the progress of legal proceedings against them, said AI’s Middle East and North Africa director, Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui.

The organization also pointed out that majority of those executed recently in Saudi Arabia is migrant workers from poor and developing countries.

The beheadings bring the number of executions in Saudi Arabia this year to at least 58, more than double than the 2010 figures. Twenty of those executed in 2011 were foreign nationals, the AI press statement said.

AUTHOR: Saleem Samad
E-MAIL: saleemsamad [at]


5 Responses to “Saudi Arabia executes 8 Bangladeshi migrants, despite mercy appeal”

  1. Nurul Islam
    oktober 15th, 2011 @ 08:41

    The Saudis should be taken to the International Court of Justice for crimes against humanity.

  2. helal miah
    oktober 15th, 2011 @ 12:55

    1 killed 8 executes.dont make sense

  3. Mustafiz
    oktober 15th, 2011 @ 19:24

    Mr nurul islam & Mr helal miah.Could I know where r you from?Your answers will be the details.Please do not think that your answers should be in details.If you see my question as a comment in this website,please answer to my question here if you do not mind.Thank you for your communications.

  4. Mustafiz
    oktober 15th, 2011 @ 20:36

    For the visitors who will visit this website only for those i want to say that i know this is a comment box not a question box.But i felt free to ask.

  5. violet
    december 12th, 2011 @ 20:54

    saudi=savages. The sex police and female genital mutilation, sex slaves of western origin in harems of old pig males, branding with harem crests, cutting of female genitals to remove any vestige of pleasure in sex, forced sex.

    Repression to the max, execution for renouncing Islam. Oh yes, you are a really civilized country! NOT! I wish we had a president who would not do any business with any islamist country.

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