Sierra Leone enters a golden age! 50 Years
On April 27th of this year, Sierra Leoneans will celebrate the 50th anniversary of their country. The hopes and aspirations of Sierra Leone’s founding fathers, when they agitated for independence from the British colonialists, were for a fully democratic country that would give dignity and pride to its citizens. Sierra Leone’s first prime minister, Milton [...]
Spain and the EU’s ‘creditor-debtor conflict’
Now that Portugal has joined Greece and Ireland in the group of EU members to undergo IMF-EU austerity measures in order to qualify for bailout money, Spain is the next target. Should Spain not take the lead to form a mini-bloc of EU debtor nations that threaten default unless their demands for substantial debt write [...]
Almost half of illegal aliens entered U.S. legally, but overstayed visas: Senators say
Four people hanged in public on a beach in the southern Iranian city of Bandar Abbas
The greening of China’s cities, counties, towns and industry
The Kurdish political prisoner Habibollah Latifi is at imminent danger of execution
Three men were hanged in public in southeastern Iran this morning
Adri Nieuwhof's triptych:
The Demand For Partition Of India
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