Syria & Iran: diplomacy and covert operations

Israel, the US, Israel, and some EU nations would love for Syria to undergo regime change, but not for the right reasons as many democratically-minded people wish. The interest of US, Israel and EU is to keep the Middle East weak and divided, and its assets sold at low prices through western corporations. Blog this! [...]

The myth of ‘non-violence’ (VIDEOS)

Suez was dubbed as Egypt’s Sidi Bouzid during the 18 day uprising. The city witnessed some of the bloodiest crackdowns by the police, and also some of the fiercest resistance by the protesters. In the video above, shot on the Friday of Anger, January 28, the revolutionaries in Suez after storming the police stations and [...]

Many U.S. officials see the events in Bahrain as part of the chess game with Iran: Robert Naiman

Robert Naiman is Policy Director at Just Foreign Policy. Mr. Naiman edits the Just Foreign Policy daily news summary and writes on U.S. foreign policy at Huffington Post. Naiman has worked as a policy analyst and researcher at the Center for Economic and Policy Research and Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch. He is president of [...]

Nabil Fahmy: ‘This revolution actually serves Israel as well’

Mubarak’s former ambassador to the US, was interviewed by The Cairo Review of Global Affairs. CAIRO REVIEW: We didn’t see anti-American or anti-Israel messages in Tahrir. NABIL FAHMY: It’s an interesting point that in all of my discussions with everybody here, foreign policy was not mentioned once by the demonstrators, not once. They didn’t argue [...]

SS Brigadier General Ahmad el-Azzazi

One of the photos I found on the Nasr City SS DVDs belonged to Brigadier General Ahmad el-Azzazi. Azzazi was in charge of the “Trade Unions Bureau” in the dissolved State Security Police, which was involved in monitoring, arrest and torture of activists within labor unions and professional syndicates. Azzazi is a familiar face for [...]

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