SS leaders remain in service

State Security Police General Tarek Mahmoud el-Rakaybi, whom I blogged about previously, has not gone on trial. In fact, according to police sources, he remains the head of the General Police Directorate of Private Guards. Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Recommend on Facebook Tip on Hyves Share on Linkedin Share on technorati Tweet about it Print for later [...]

Salafists execute Italian activist in Gaza

“Salafist jihadists are extremist Sunnis who believe they are the only true interpreters of the Koran. They are beginning to concern counterterrorism experts since Salafists are gaining more and more power in Egypt following the ouster of President Mubarak.” A pro-Palestinian activist from Italy was discovered dead in Gaza a mere few hours after being [...]

Army chases protesters for Tahrir in Cairo, reason still unclear (VIDEO)

It is beyon my capacity to conclude from here what was exactly behind the evensts on Tahrir in the early morning of Saturday. The army attacked, so much is sure. But why? Blogger 3arabawy (Hossam Hamalawy) has this video and also the text is his. Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Recommend on Facebook Tip on [...]


Revolts or mass uprisings do not necessarily result in revolutions defined as structural or system change of institutions from political, economic, social and cultural. A revolt can result in regime change but the policies from the old regime to the new may be the same, or the new regime may even pursue more regressive or [...]

Egyptian protesters return to Tahrir in the old numbers (VIDEO)

Last week’s “Save the Revolution” day saw tens of thousands gather in Tahrir Square, Al Ahram on line tells us, but this Friday it is considerably more, as the picture shows. Last week the Muslim Brotherhood was absent, this week they participate. But that is not the only, nor even the main reason that so [...]

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