Africa, France: Who is Nafissatou Diallo? Victim or conspirator? (VIDEOS)

In the debate over the alleged sexual assault by former International Monetary Fund managing director, Dominique Strauss-Kahn (DSK) of a hotel chambermaid in New York on May 14, 2011, attention is now shifting from his guilt or innocence, to the identity of the alleged victim. Nafissatou Diallo [fr] is a Guinean woman who received political [...]

Spain: austerity, default or revolt

In the past year, I have been asked what options do Greece, Portugal and Spain have other than following austerity measures under the International Monetary Fund (IMF), European Central Bank (ECB), and EU. The answer depends on what kind of society do citizens want for themselves, and to what degree are they able to prevail [...]

Sierra Leone enters a golden age! 50 Years

On April 27th of this year, Sierra Leoneans will celebrate the 50th anniversary of their country. The hopes and aspirations of Sierra Leone’s founding fathers, when they agitated for independence from the British colonialists, were for a fully democratic country that would give dignity and pride to its citizens. Sierra Leone’s first prime minister, Milton [...]

Review of Study – China’s growing influence in international organizations

A new study by The Economic Strategy Institute (ESI), commissioned by the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, called “The Evolving Role of China in International Institutions”, takes a thorough look into China’s growing influence in international organizations. The report contains two truisms, ten trends, seven recommendations, and a number of case studies on China’s [...]

China Powers Ahead in Green Technologies

Companies operating in China are seeing a wealth of opportunities in the green sector as are investors. However, Chinese government investments are driving even greater opportunities on the horizon. In 2010, China surpassed Japan as the world’s second-largest economy. In three-decades China has emerged from Communist isolation to global superpower. China is also leading the [...]

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