Dutch, Flemish MPs vote to fight for Afrikaans

Motion-Bosma voted in at Dutch Language Union: Dutch, Flemish MPs agree to actively campaign for Afrikaans-language rights: supported by parties ranging from D66 (far-left) to Vlaams Belang (Flemish conservatives) The Interparliamentary committee of the Dutch Language Union has voted in a motion calling on the Ministers of Flanders and the Netherlands to become actively engaged [...]

Netanyahu visits Holland: agreement about regular common meetings of the Dutch and Israeli cabinets

The Dutch government has realized at least one point from the agreement on the basis of which it was installed in 2010 by Liberals and Christian Democrats with the passive support of Geert Wilders’ Freedom Party (PVV), the point that stipulated that Holland would strive to ‘strenghten the bond with Israel’. The wish became reality [...]

Support for Afrikaner plight from Dutch Minister Rosenthal, and MPs

Last night, Dutch foreign affairs Minister Rosenthal ‘embraced’ a motion submitted by SGP-party MP Kees van der Staaij to raise their voices in support of the Afrikaners in South Africa. This opens the way for the motion’s acceptance in the Dutch House of Representatives. Mr Van der Staaij pointed out in his motion that there [...]

Euro-MP slams ANC over disastrous governance

Lucas Hartong: ‘The ANC should rather hunt down and prosecute black-racist radicals who murder the Boers in their own homesteads instead of concerning itself over unproven global warming theories at a UN climate-change conference.’ European MP Lucas Hartong has launched a full-frontal assault on the ANC-regime during the EP-debate about the forthcoming Climate Change Conference [...]

Stop development aid to South Africa: EU (VIDEOS)

Euro-MPs Barry Madlener and Lucas Hartong want that the European Commission to immediately stop giving its development-aid programme in which millions of Euros are sent too South Africa purportedly to ‘advance social stability’ in that country. The EU budgeted an amount of 980-million for this purpose from 2007 to 2013 – . Madlener and Hartong [...]

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