Because the King Says “Yes”

Before King Mohammed VI concluded his historic speech announcing the greatly anticipated new constitution that he alleged would make Morocco into a viable democracy, thousands of jubilant Moroccans – some unsubstantiated reports described intoxicated crack heads enlisted by government handlers – flooded the streets of Casablanca and Rabat waving flags, enskying pictures of the king, [...]

Silencing Rachid Nini

Rachid Nini, the executive editor of Al-Massae newspaper, was sentenced by a lower court in Ain Sbaa, Casablanca to one year in prison and fined one thousand Moroccan dirhams. He was charged with “grave contempt” to Morocco’s judicial system and “unsubstantiated reporting on alleged crimes.” Through his editorials, Mr. Nini has targeted high ranking governmental [...]

Also in Morocco the demonstrations are not over yet (VIDEOS)

Casablanca Less well covered than events elsewhere also protests and demands for more freedom continue in Morocco as well. Below videos of demonstations in Casablanca, Rabat and Tanger on Sunday 5 June. Meanwhile Amnesty International has called for an independent investigation into the death of a Moroccan protester, Kamal Ammari who has died after being [...]

Moroccan democratic reform: between the baton and the king’s speech

There is a consensus among Moroccans that the brutal clampdown of demonstrators was ordered by Moroccan Interior Minister Taieb Cherkaoui who in turn received his guidance from his King. Many believed that after Mohammed VI’s bulleted speech outlining his schedule for an attempted constitutional reform, the situation would show improvement. The wave of demonstrations rumbling [...]

Rachid Nini Arrested… Again

Al Massae newspaper reported that its executive editor Rachid Nini has been arrested. According to the newspaper, Mr. Nini is being investigated for articles al-Massae has been publishing the lead prosecutor at the appeals court in Casablanca, Abdellah Belghiti, in an official statement, deemed harshly critical of governmental institutions. The latter pronounced a host of [...]

Morocco: A Revolution of Fluff

Moroccans have grown impervious to their leadership’s dictatorial hubris. They have come to realize that the internet is an intractable shield that has stripped our Machiavellian leaders off of their protective invisibility cloak and rendered their political dogmatism impotent. They and their minions can no longer project a perverted reality. Their license to arrest, torture, [...]

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