Did the Egyptian revolution go wrong?

The article below is a translation from the newspaper al-Masry al-Youm, of June 5th, 2011. Writer Alaa al-Aswani (photo) in it paints a dark picture of what the revolution in Egypt so far achieved and – more importantly – did not achieve. In doing so he makes a strong case for the need of the [...]

Egypt’s Nazis to declare a party?

Congrats everyone… After dissolving the National Democratic Party, Egypt is to officially have its first Nazi Party (see website of Nazi Party HERE), which regards “Arabs as the master race, and the working classes should not have the right to express their views.” Now I want the 5,000 members’ names of the bastards who will [...]

The myth of ‘non-violence’ (VIDEOS)

Suez was dubbed as Egypt’s Sidi Bouzid during the 18 day uprising. The city witnessed some of the bloodiest crackdowns by the police, and also some of the fiercest resistance by the protesters. In the video above, shot on the Friday of Anger, January 28, the revolutionaries in Suez after storming the police stations and [...]

Egyptian court orders dissolution of former ruling party, clears the way to a more democratic parliament

An Egyptian court, the Supreme Administrative Court (SAC), has ordered that the former ruling party of ex-president Mubarak, the National Democratic Party (NDP) be dissolved and its assets, be sequestrated. This includes including its central headquarters in Cairo and about 400 offices all over Egypt. The SAC order came after complaints by among others, Mostafa [...]

Army chases protesters for Tahrir in Cairo, reason still unclear (VIDEO)

It is beyon my capacity to conclude from here what was exactly behind the evensts on Tahrir in the early morning of Saturday. The army attacked, so much is sure. But why? Blogger 3arabawy (Hossam Hamalawy) has this video and also the text is his. Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Recommend on Facebook Tip on [...]

Several thousand Egyptians demonstrate against new ‘anti-protest law’ (VIDEO)

Protest at the TV Building in Maspero In Tahrir Square around 1,000 protesters were voicing their anger on Friday over the anti-protests law approved by the cabinet on Wednesday, which proposed to punishable anyone inciting, urging, promoting or participating in a protest or strike with with jail sentences or an LE 500,000 fine. The law [...]

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