Press Release: President Mugabe must shape up or ship out
Posted on | juli 29, 2011 | No Comments
By now, I think it has become clear beyond any reasonable doubt that a new Federal President is required for Zimbabwe as soon as yesterday. The largest majority of our people have spoken this truism over and over, and on many occasions, their legitimate voices and demands have been met by the crushing fist of brutality. Men and women, and little children have been beaten, some have been raped and some have been killed over the past 20 years in Zimbabwe at the hands of the regime and Government of President Mugabe. This is not right. Its wrong and it should have stopped a long time ago.
However, even as we speak right now, these extra-judicial and indiscriminate killings continue at the hands of State Security Agents, the Police, the Zanu Pf party and President Mugabe himself by omission, commission and both.
We continue to bear witness with great shock and anguish as State sponsored violence continue to be used by President Mugabe and his ZANU PF party to impose their will on the people of Zimbabwe. Just recently, a mob of ZANU PF thugs stormed our ZImbabwe Parliament and they assaulted a Legislator. This is the height of arrogance and wickedness of a regime which has fallen into the trappings of power and which now mistakenly think that it is invincible.
Now, the transgressions of President Mugabe are so many that I shall not bother to list them. All that needs to be said today, right now, at this moment is that the popular demand by the people of Zimbabwe is President Mugabe must shape up or ship out..If he fails to shape up today and stop these extra-judicial killings, human rights violations, corruption and violence against civilians, as the Governor General of Zimbabwe, I shall be taking over the Presidency of Zimbabwe in the interim until free and fair General Elections are held in ZImbabwe within the next 18 months.
AUTHOR: Jones Musara
URL: and
E-MAIL: jnsmusara [at]
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