Sana’a airport closes as fighting intensifies

Posted on | juni 2, 2011 | No Comments

Fighting in Yemen continues unabated according to various sources, but details are very difficult to get by because of the powercuts and the interruption of communication lines. Reuters confirmed on Thursday that air traffic was halted and Sana’a airport was closed, apparently as a consequence of continued fighting in the north of the capital, where government forces were bombarding the residence of sheikh Sadeq al-Ahmar, the leader of the Hashed tribes. Wednesday night very heavy explosions were heard in Sana’a and some sources said that goverment troops who have their bases in the hills overlooking Sana’a were targeting Al-Ahmar’s house with artillerie and rockets.

The Yemen Post meanwhile reported that the fighting had also spread out to the south of Sana’a, where the residence is located of Hussein al-Ahmar, the most powerful and wealthy brother of Sadeq al-Ahmar, who leads the Islah-party. The Yemen Post reported that units of the Republican Guard had gathered in the area, where also other Al-Ahmar familiy members have residences.

Some reports, which could not be verified, mentioned that the government troops shelled the headquarters of the 1st armoured brigade of the army, which is led by general Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar, who went over to the opposition in March and whose troops are protecting the protesting crowds on Taghir (Change) Square in Sana’a. It is not the first time that was reported that president Saleh tried to draw Ali Mohsen’s brigade into the fighting. Other reports aslo mentioned aerial bombardments in Amran, the home base of the Al-Ahmar.

AUTHOR: Martin Hijmans
E-MAIL: m.hijmans [at]


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