AU Should Reign On Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi
Information about the uprising underway in the oil-rich Libya is still sketchy (partly due to government control), but signs are proliferating that the Gaddafi regime’s response is turning out to be the most reckless and brutal in comparison to Tunisia and Egypt’s uprisings. Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Recommend on Facebook Tip on Hyves Share [...]
More protests: death toll in Libya now stands at 173 at least
Death of a young protester in Benghazi. Tens of thousands gathered in Benghazi on Sunday for funerals of protesters killed by Libyan security forces as Human Rights Watch said overnight violence had doubled the death toll from four days of clashes to 173. The unrest is the worst ever during Muammar Qadhafi´s 42 years in [...]
Death toll from Libya protests reaches 84
Protests throughout the Middle East continue. Reports from Libya suggest a deadly determination by the security forces of the regime of colonel Qadhafi who has ruled for 42 years, to crush the protest at any cost. This is what Human Rights Watch reports about Libya: Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Recommend on Facebook Tip on [...]
Four people were hanged in southeastern Iran today
Four men were hanged in the prison of Kerman, south east of Iran in the past days. According to the state run Iranian news agency IRNA, the four men who were executed today were identified as: Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Recommend on Facebook Tip on Hyves Share on Linkedin Share on technorati Tweet about [...]
Palestine: the theft of Ni’lin
Saeed Amireh, unlike me, does not live in freedom. Saeed, 18, lives in Palestine, in a village named Ni’lin. His home is under Occupation by Israel. I have chosen to write my third piece on Palestine about Saeed and his family. Their treatment by the Israeli army has been shockingly brutal. The erection of the [...]
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