How Do States Learn?
Everyone in the development field recognizes that learning is essential to development. But what kind of learning matters most? For most major development actors, the emphasis is squarely on individual learning. Achieving universal primary education, for instance, is the second Millennium Development Goal, coming just after ending poverty and hunger. Organizations such as the World [...]
Che Guevara Speech on Imperialism
Between 2 July – 18 July, NL-Aid is enjoying a summer recess. From 19th July, you can read articles of our authors again. Untill that time, we have selected Youtube videos in which development thinkers are centered. In this episode: Che Guevara. Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Recommend on Facebook Tip on Hyves Share on [...]
The poverty of dichotomous interpretations: Iran and beyond
One reason that Historiography is a requirement for graduate students is so that they learn the different methodological, ideological, political, nationalistic, religious, cosmopolitan, secular humanist, and other approaches to history. The nation-state under the Age of Absolutism and then the French Revolution and nascent nationalism are to a large degree responsible for the ‘varieties’ of [...]
Globalization of collective unconsciousness and free will
Has globalization molded the ‘collective unconsciousness’ and subsumed individual free will (at least the illusion of it)? If so, is that a negative development because globalization is not rooted in predatory profit motive based on a hierarchical social model instead of humane-compassion-rooted conscience? If everything is for sale, why not thought and creativity, why not [...]
Modernization, legitimacy & the Middle East
One reason I always enjoyed Sam Huntington’s work ever since I was an undergraduate reading Soldier and the State is because he was a master at trying to capture the long-view of global historical trends and doing it with a great deal of thought after examining various sides of the issue and providing thought-provoking analysis [...]