Kutch revisited: a voice in the wilderness
Though not lying along the edges of the lithosphere plates where earthquakes are common, India experienced the first major earthquake of the millennium. The severity of the earthquake in Kutch, Gujarat on 26 January 2001 could justly be compared to the Good Friday earthquake on 27 March 1964 near Anchorage, Alaska. Whatever the statistical or [...]
Vizag Steel Blaze Failure of Safety
Some 16 people were burnt alive due to a huge explosion at Visakhapatnam Steel Plant’s melting shop, drawing the nation’s attention to abysmal safety standards at all the steel factories in the country. Visakhapatnam Steel Plant has been conferred Navratna status on 17 ovember 2010. The company focuses on producing value-added steel, with 214,000 tonnes [...]
Weatherman sounds alert on Northern Kenya, compares coming season to devastating 2009
The Kenya meteorological department is predicting below normal rainfall for the North eastern Province for the March, April and May period, a fact that calls upon the government to prepare for emergencies. At a forum that brought together climate scientists from the KMD, community representatives and leaders (including traditional forecasters, religious leaders, chiefs, women leaders, [...]
Republic of Congo: Ammunition Depot Blasts Stir Panic in Brazzaville (VIDEO)
On Sunday, March 4, 2012, at 8am local time, an ammunition storage depot caught fire in the Mpida area of Brazzaville, near the Presidential Palace, causing at least four explosions. Houses in the neighborhood collapsed, creating an atmosphere of panic in the city. The Defense Minister made the following declaration on national television [li and [...]
Republic Of Congo: After the Blasts, Anger and Solidarity (VIDEO)
[All links forward to French articles unless stated otherwise.] One day after the March 4, 2012, blasts in the ammunition depot in Mpila, near Brazzaville, the time has come to assess the number of victims. Recent assessments vary from 150 to 200 deaths and 1,500 injured as a result of the blasts. The daze and [...]
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