Heat in the US Northeast and Drought Around the World

Against a backdrop of wildfires and droughts, heat records are being broken across the US but nowhere more than in the Northeast. After a winter with very little snow, people in the Northeast have been subjected to record breaking heat for the first seven months of 2012. The period between July 2011 to July 2012 [...]

2012 is but the Latest Year Marked by Heat and Drought

With its heatwaves and drought, the summer of 2012 has been hot. In fact, the Northeast has experienced the hottest period from January to July ever recorded and July 2012 was the hottest month ever in the contiguous US. Although the weather has been balmy this year, extreme heat and drought are not anything new. [...]

Fires Around the Globe 2002- 2011

Source: NASA Between 7-12 May, NL-Aid is enjoying a spring recess. From 13 May, you can read articles of our authors again. Untill that time, we have selected Youtube videos in which the strength of people is centered;). In this episode: Global Fires. Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Recommend on Facebook Tip on Hyves Share [...]

Lifting of tsunami alert brings sigh of relief in Bangladesh

With a big sigh of relief the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center and Japan Metrological Agency has withdrawn the tsunami watch issued in the evening issued for Bangladesh and other Indian Ocean countries following a powerful earthquake and two strong aftershocks off Indonesia on Wednesday. Meanwhile Bangladesh capital and other places experienced two medium tremors at [...]

The Anatomy of an Earthquakes, and Tsunami

Type One Earthquakes Earthquakes are caused by the build up of excessive pressure in the upper, and lower crust, and upper Mantle. There are two types of earthquakes. Type one is called volcanic earthquakes, and type two is called natural gas earthquakes, but both types are due to excess pressure. Hydrocarbons (crude oil, and natural [...]

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    WP Cumulus Flash tag cloud by Roy Tanck requires Flash Player 9 or better.

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