U.S. diplomats in Libya begged for more security to no avail

Prior to the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, Ambassador Chris Stevens’ request for additional security officials was turned down by the Obama administration in order to project a friendly atmosphere to the distrusting Islamic population, an anonymous security official in Washington, D.C., informed the Law Enforcement Examiner on Wednesday. [...]

Bad news for relations US-Iran: Mujaheddin e-Khalq removed from list of terrorist groups

The U.S. State Department on Friday formally removed the Iranian dissident group Mujahadin-e Khalq from its official list of terrorist organizations in a move which, according to political analysts is bound to deteriorate the relations with Iran even further. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton took the decision, as the State Department stated, in view of [...]

INDIA/PAKISTAN: Remove the abnormal visa restrictions to ensure right to travel and trade

Dr. Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India, Mr. Raja Pervez Ashraf, Prime Minister of Pakistan, secretary@cabinet.gov.pk or pspm@pmsectt.gov.pk Re: INDIA/PAKISTAN: Remove the abnormal visa restrictions to ensure right to travel and trade Dear respectful Prime Ministers, I am William Nicholas Gomes, Human Rights Ambassador for Salem-News.com. I am writing to express concern regarding the issue [...]

Iran and US quest for hegemony

America’s quest for hegemony, that is, pursuing a geopolitical, economic and ideological/political integrative policy (transformation policy after WWII) from the McKinley administration to the present drives the US and its junior partners to pursue the same policy. Whether Iran today, Iraq yesterday, Vietnam in the 1960s existed or not what one needs to analyze and [...]

Council on Foreign Relations: Foreign Aid and Developing Economies

Between 2 July – 18 July, NL-Aid is enjoying a summer recess. From 19th July, you can read articles of our authors again. Untill that time, we have selected Youtube videos in which development thinkers are centered. In this episode: Council on Foreign Relations. Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Recommend on Facebook Tip on Hyves [...]

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