U.N. General Assembly Looks at the Rights of Women and Children
Last week hundreds of world leaders converged in New York City for the annual opening of the United Nations General Assembly; on the agenda were hot topics such as Syria, Israel and Iran. However, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the rights of women and children have also been on the agenda. Governments and aid organizations alike made [...]
AGRA, SIDA sign US$ 10m grant pact to boost Africa-based agricultural entrepreneurs
The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) Friday announced a US$10 million grant to support the development of Africa-based innovations to boost African agricultural growth. The grant, awarded by Sida, will be directly channeled to the African Agribusiness Window of African Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF), [...]
Spirituality holds the key to climate change, says UNEP-ROA Director
The African Regional Director of the United Nation’s Environment Programme’s Office for Africa Mr Mounkaila Goumandakoye confessed in Nairobi Tuesday that the global community has not succeeded in reversing some of the trends of the environmental degradation because the world has failed to look at the issues through the lenses of spirituality, morality and faith. [...]
UN Special Rapporteurs condemn ongoing executions in Iran
In a press release published today the United Nations Special Rapporteurs on Iran, summary executions and torture condemned the recent execution of four members of the Ahwazi Arab minority in Ahwaz’s Karoun Prison in Iran. They also referred to the unfair nature of the trials in Iran and said: “Any death sentence undertaken in contravention [...]
UNICEF 2011 Annual Report and 2012 Annual Session
UNICEF has released their 2011 Annual Report. The report gives a global overview of the previous year’s achievements and highlights a number of various international, regional, and national collaborations. The report highlights UNICEF’s contributions to achieving the 2015 Millennium Development Goals by providing increased assistance to children in need around the globe. The report highlights [...]
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