Palestinian-Dutch “Disarming Design” project inspired by artwork in captivity

Jewelry is intimately connected to resistance in Palestine. On a recent trip to the West Bank, the designer Annelys de Vet learned of how prisoners smuggle little gifts out of jail. The most prized possessions among Palestinians include beautifully hand-decorated jewels that prisoners make for their children. De Vet is a curator of the Disarming [...]

Audit report of Jan Mitra Nyas (Public charitable trust of PVCHR)

JMN Audit Report 2011-2012 JMN Audit Report 2011-2012 Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Recommend on Facebook Tip on Hyves Share on Linkedin Share on technorati Tweet about it Print for later Bookmark in Browser Tell a friend

An Open letter Prime Minister of India

The preamble of the Indian constitution read as, ‘WE THE PEOPLE OF INDIA’… further grand themes like JUSTICE, LIBERY AND EQUALITY of status has been highlighted with utmost care. Further ‘DIGNITY OF THE INDIVIDUAL’ has been asserted. The tone of the preamble sets the ethical and legal framework to create an atmosphere in the country [...]

INDIA: Door to door campaign against torture and organized violence (DDCATOV)

After mass awareness campaign PVCHR moved to door to door campaign against torture and organized violence (DDCATOV) in its torture free model village developed by PVCHR under its initiative “Promoting psycho legal framework to reduce torture and organized violence” with support from RCT. In process of door to door campaign against torture and organized violence [...]

Bangladesh: Immediately lift ban on Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), Action against Hunger (ACF) and Muslim Aid UK

Mrs. Sheikh Hasina, Prime Minister of Bangladesh, or or RE: Bangladesh: Immediately lift ban on Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), Action against Hunger (ACF) and Muslim Aid UK Dear Prime Minister Hasina, I am William Nicholas Gomes, Human Rights Ambassador for From media reports I came to know that recently your government [...]

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