Stop the Madness of Hatred
The chilling pictures that shows the persecution of Buddhist minority in Bangladesh is shocking. I guess this has come in reaction to the Buddhists violence against Rohinga Muslims in Myanmar . The Myanmar government doesn’t deny its involvement in the slaughter of Rohingya Muslims, so it is accepting responsibility and cocking a snoot at Muslims. [...]
Nobody Showed Mercy on Her
India is moving at a breath neck speed and there is an all round development taking place in every sphere of activity in the country. However, when it comes to the social reality, nothing has changed in the Indian villages. The brute compartmentalization of human on the basis of caste and centuries old traditions still [...]
Mining Paradise: The Police and Army visit Junin- on the same day
Mining Paradise: The police and military harass Junin. In the same day! Within hours of each other, first a squad of 20 anti-narcotics police take to hills above Junin supposedly based on a denunciation of a plantation of coca. Hours later- and I am not making this up- a squad of 8 military personnel, all [...]
PETITION: Open Letter to the Government of South Asian Countries
To, Government of India, Government of Pakistan Government of Bangladesh Government of Bhutan Government of Sri Lanka Government of Nepal Government of Maldives Dear Sir/Madam, I want to bring in your kind attention towards the attack happening with minorities in south Asian Country and every day we are looking in the newspaper/news channel. On this [...]
Bangladesh: Immediately protect the Hindu minorities under attack in Dinajpur
Mrs. Sheikh Hasina, Prime Minister, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, or or RE: Bangladesh: Immediately protect the Hindu minorities under attack in Dinajpur Dear Prime Minister, I am William Nicholas Gomes, Human Rights Ambassador for I have come to know about the alarming attacking on hindu minorities at chirrirbandar upazila [...]
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