SURINAME: How the Military Became a Political force: 25 February and the Helping Hand of Hans Valk
One of the biggest fallacies of historical experiences is their failure to be transformed into an actual learning experience, to help safeguard people from making the same mistakes twice. The fact that history cannot function as a moral compass, is a byproduct of humankind, the ability to place unfavorable and unwanted incidences on the backburner, [...]
Suriname: 1987 Constitution, with Reforms of 1992 (in Dutch)
Suriname: 1987 Constitution, with Reforms of 1992 (in Dutch): “zij, die krachtens onherroepelijke rechterlijke uitspraak het kiesrecht missen.” This article of the Surinamese Constitution in fact disallows the election of a convicted criminal for office, thus for president. Apart from the president several government officials are convicted by either national or international courts for serious [...]
The Apprenticeship and Beyond: Generational Poverty and Gender-Disparities
It is odd to observe that little study has been done on the period of apprenticeship in Suriname, the fact that this period impeded real freedom. Van Lier (1971, p. 183) writes that this period became introduced as ‘solution for the labor problem (shortage) in Suriname. Van Lier (ibid) is not too critical of the [...]
Egyp’s revolution in historical perspective
To understand why Egyptians rebelled in the early months of 2011 and then continued their uprising in November 2011 after the Mubarak regime was overthrown, one must examine not just the short-term causes (poverty, political corruption, authoritarian rule, etc.) of Arab Spring, but the history of this North African country from the era of Mehmet [...]
Darjeeling – The Fallen Queen (VIDEO)
Though some British East India Company officials stayed in the village of Darjeeling in 1828 and considered the place suitable for a sanatorium for British soldiers, the remote hilly village might not have turned into a hill city of international repute had the Sikkim Chogyal not imprisoned the British East India Company Director Arthur Campbell [...]
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