Study Shows that Climate Change is Killing Forests
Climate change is causing a massive forest die-off on almost every continent on Earth. Forests are already under threat from illegal logging and land clearing for agriculture. According to a new paper published in the journal Nature Climate Change, trees in forests all around the world are dying due to dry climatic conditions and elevated [...]
Africa forests suffer from lack of scientists, learning institutions
One of the forest principles adopted by the on-going United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF) is that forest management will be based on the best science, but this is a challenge for Africa, a continent ravaged by low number of scientists and under-resourced forestry training institutions. Prof Fredrick Owino, a forest policy and science specialist [...]
Rio+20 Announcement: US Partners with CEOs to Reduce Deforestation Through Sustainable Agriculture
The US Government says within 100 days it will co-host, alongside companies of the Consumer Goods Forum, a Partnership Dialogue in Washington DC. This US Government announcement concerns companies of the Consumer Goods Forum, representing more than 400 companies and brands operating with combined annual revenues of over US$3.1 trillion, to support the Forum’s pledge [...]
Source: unknown Between 7-12 May, NL-Aid is enjoying a spring recess. From 13 May, you can read articles of our authors again. Untill that time, we have selected Youtube videos in which the strength of people is centered;). In this episode: Deforestation. Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Recommend on Facebook Tip on Hyves Share on [...]
Reducing Emissions Through Forest Preservation with REDD
This video deals with the crucial role that forests play to reduce emissions and manage climage change. Specifically the video offers a simplified understanding of REDD which is an abbreviation for “Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries.” This video explains the workings of REDD, the key mechanism to reduce forest loss [...]
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