IOM to evacuate stranded migrants to Bangladesh
The stranded migrants awaiting evacuation at Egyptian border will be flown into Bangladesh by International Organization for Migration (IOM) next week. IOM in response to the urgent request of the Bangladesh, the Libya evacuation coordination body of IOM has decided to arrange more chartered flights to bring back Bangladeshis from Al Saloum at the Egyptian [...]
Public hangings continue: One man hanged in central province of Iran today
One man was hanged in public in the Markazi (central) province of Iran early this morning. According to the official website of the judiciart in the Markazi province of Iran, a man who was not dientified by name, was hanged in public in Mousa Abad, near Ashtian in the Markazi province, this morning. The man [...]
‘Tangible’ Coalition gains and pains in Afghanistan
This Friday the Pentagon in its latest report to the US congress ‘painted a guardedly optimistic picture of the war in Afghanistan, saying that U.S. and allied forces had made “tangible progress” against the Taliban over the past six months and that conditions were right to withdraw at least some U.S. troops this summer.’ Blog [...]
Potential budget cuts could harm children
The U.S. House of Representatives will soon come off a two week recess for which they took right after they made critical budget decissions. The House passed their version of next year’s budget, which was written by Wisconsin Representative Paul Ryan. Many child advocacy organizations and activists are in heavy opposition of the budget resolution and are urging Senators to reject the [...]
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