Limits To Growth And Beyond – Part 1 (VIDEO)
In my post ‘Darker side of growth’ in European Journalism Centre I asked a question: In a pond if lotuses grow such that every next minute they double and if this minute the pond is half full, how long will it take for the lotuses to fill the pond? While it sounded like a quiz [...]
39 die in Nigeria sectarian attacks
Death toll rose to 39 Sunday after bomb exploded at a Catholic Church in Nigeria’s town of Madalla in Niger state just as another church bombing and two suicide attacks were witnessed in other northern cities. The explosion at St. Thesera’s Catholic occurred after a Mass to celebrate Christmas while the second church bombing took [...]
Nine prisoners (among them one woman) were executed on Christmas Eve in Iran according to unofficial sources
According to reliable sources from Iran nine prisoners were executed in two different prisons in Iran, early his morning December 24. One woman and six men executed in northwestern Iran: According to Mukrian news agency seven prisoners were executed early this morning in the prison of Urmia (Oroumieh), northwest of Iran. Quoting Mr. Masoud Shams, [...]
How does Google report Afrikaners + Boers + Genocide?
Is the world aware of the tragic genocide targetting the 3,5-million-strong Afrikaner Boer minority in South Africa? If one measures international awareness by the number of daily Google-hits from specific words such as Afrikaner Homeless and Afrikaner Poverty, the answer is a resounding yes… There’s no doubt that the internet-awareness campaigns launched by the Afrikaner [...]
South Asian plagued by corruption of police, politicians, public officials
The South Asian regularly have to pay bribes daily when dealing with their public institutions, whether to speed up paperwork, avoid harassment with the police, or access basic services. International watchdog Transparency International on Thursday stated that police was perceived to be the most corrupt institution in Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, and the second [...]
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