Tanzanian Ministers Declaration on Early Childhood Development

Historic Meeting Brings Government Leaders, Major Donors Together to Address Needs of Tanzania’s Youngest Children Major financial, legislative commitments to support young children within reach. Government officials, major international foundations and locally-based early child development advocates meet this week for the nation’s first biennial forum to address the needs of young children in Tanzania, taking [...]

Nepal: Play an important role to protect child rights

Dr. Baburam Bhattarai, Prime Minister of Nepal, Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Nepal. info@opmcm.gov.np, bhattaraibaburam@gmail.com Re: Nepal: Play an important role to protect child rights Dear Prime Minister, I share your hopes for a peaceful, democratic future for Nepal and its people. Nepal has been a State Party to Convention on the [...]

SRI LANKA: Former soldier arrested and arbitrarily detained

Ms. Eva Wanasundara, Attorney General, ag@attorneygeneral.gov.lk Re: SRI LANKA: Former soldier arrested and arbitrarily detained Dear Attorney General of Sri Lanka, Name of the victim: Mr. Saman Sampath Rajapakse (34) of No: A/182/24, Adurapotha, Kegalle Alleged perpetrator: Officers attached to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of the Sri Lanka Police Date of incident: 5 February [...]

South Africa: Sound governance is vital for SOEs

Government is gearing up for massive infrastructure expansion designed to promote economic activity and create jobs and the pivotal role of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in implementing the programme has come under the spotlight. “SOE compliance with codes of good governance is a fundamental aspect,” says Sandra Burmeister, CEO of the Landelahni Recruitment Group. “It is [...]

South Africa: Medical advances now enable weight loss for people with Type 2 diabetes

Scientific advances have yielded a new medicine which restores the normal functioning of key hormones that are disrupted in people suffering from Type 2 diabetes, offering hope to many sufferers of the condition. It’s one of the big paradoxes of modern medicine: … Weight gain is a risk factor for Type 2 diabetes1; … And [...]

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