13 prisoners, among them five Afghan citizens, were executed in Iran

Five prisoners were executed in the prison of Shahrud (northern Iran) Tuesday April 25. reported the offcial Iranian sources. Eight other prisoners were hanged in Karaj (west of Tehran) according to unofficial reports. According to the official website of the Iranian judiciary in Semnan Province five prisoners, among them four Afghan citizens, were hanged in [...]

The Climate and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short-Term Climate Pollutants

The Climate and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short-Term Climate Pollutants was launched in Washington DC on 17 February 2012. The Coalition is one of the most important developments to combat climate change in over a decade. The coalition is focused on fast-action climate mitigation which has the potential to reduce a major part of [...]

Africa still bears the brunt of Malaria episodes

An estimated 3 million lives can be saved between now and 2015, if the global malaria community remains focused on its 2015 targets for near-zero malaria deaths. On World Malaria Day RBM partners cross Africa held commemorations to spotlight the progress made so far and stress the need for increased political and financial support for [...]


Lack of knowledge with regard to food poisoning could cause serious problems including death, particularly to rural dwellers, experts in this area have revealed. Briefing journalists and later on in an exclusive interview that was  conducted at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture in Mwenge, Dar es Salaam on Thursday last week, experts said that [...]

Love the Country, Can’t Stand the Scene (VIDEO)

I don’t really know why I am writing this. I drove roughly two hours today seeking a tea stall where I can have a cup of sweet and hot tea, deshi style, to enjoy the drizzle and the much waited rains after a week of stifling heat of Kolkata April. My city mates might be [...]

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