American aid worker faces death sentence in Sudan

The trial of an American NGO (non-governmental organization) aid worker, humanitarian and pro-democracy activist, Rudwan Dawod, who worked closely with former NBA legend Manute Bol prior to his untimely death, is scheduled to continue on Sunday in Khartoum, Sudan. “If convicted, Dawod could be sentenced to death,” said Maria Sliwa, founder and CEO of Freedom [...]

Best employers in Africa to be identified by independent index

Business is booming on the African continent, which means an increased need for talent management. In recognition of this, the popular Best Employers research is being extended to include the best HR performers on the continent. Africa is thriving: GDP is increasing at an average of 5% each year and, in anticipation of the typical [...]

Caterpillar machinery once again involved in Israeli occupation activity

Who Profits?, a project of the Tel Aviv-based Coalition of Women for Peace, found photo’s of the A1 high-speed train project that will connect Tel Aviv and Jerusalem on the Israel Railways’ Facebook page. The photo’s – published on 4 June 2012 – document the use of Caterpillar equipment in the construction of tunnel 3A [...]

KENYA: Cardiovascular Diseases rise amid lackadaisical efforts from the government

Although the cardiovascular diseases in Kenya are on the rise, there is little effort however by the government to contain the problem. The medical experts drawn from across Africa converged for the 5th Annual Cardiovascular Summit in Nairobi declared last week that non-communicable diseases related to the heart and cancer were rising to pandemic levels, [...]

Legal literacy TV programme in Andhra Pradesh: An uncommon empowerment tool

It started as an experiment in villages and semi-rural parts of Andhra Pradesh. But after running for 58 episodes on Sunday mornings for a year, India’s first television weekly programme on secure land entitlements has created an extraordinary story of awareness and empowerment through legal literacy. Bhoomi Kosam, a dial-in program with a weekly viewership [...]

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