The Sentencing of a Killer and Odd Progress in South Africa

I hope you will all forgive my recent break from blogging. But I am back and plan to resume regular posting starting now. Obviously a great deal has transpired across the continent in recent weeks. And nowhere has seen fissures split wider than in South Africa (a post on the ramifications of the mining strike [...]

The struggle for the Political Support of the Surinamese Diaspora

Introduction Ze hebben 50,000 gegeven om hun verhaal aan de Diapora in Nederland te verkopen. Maar de steun die ze in NL aanboren is onstabiel en labiel, een groep die nergens geworteld is, en die zich nergens thuis voelt…..Wat ze doen is de mensen afhouden van de samenleving waaruit ze nooit meer vertrekken, om ze [...]

From Mao suits to Polo Shirts

Recently, while reading an unofficial report on the proceedings of the trial of Gu Kailai, I noticed something that has long fascinated me about modern China. Those following the news may have seen that Gu, the wife of fallen Communist chief Bo Xilai, has just received a suspended death sentence for poisoning a British businessman. [...]

Bangladesh: Immediately release illegally arrested gay men by police

Mrs. Sheikh Hasina, Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Re: Bangladesh: Immediately release illegally arrested gay men by police Dear Prime Minister, I am William Nicholas Gomes, Human Rights Ambassador for I have been informed regarding an alarming situation by Boys of Bangladesh, popularly known as BoB, is the oldest and the largest network of self-identified [...]

Israel uses Caterpillar bulldozers to block roads, isolate Palestinian villages (VIDEO)

Israeli forces were caught on camera when they blocked Palestinian roads in the south Hebron hills area of the occupied West Bank using Caterpillar armored bulldozers. Caterpillar is the subject of an international divestment campaign because its equipment has been routinely used by Israel to demolish Palestinian homes and other illegal activities. Rachel Corrie, the [...]

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