Where are Africa’s children?

According to the United Nations Children’s Fund, half of all African children do not have a birth certificate, which negatively affects the children both mentally and physically in their sense of safety and well-being. “Could you imagine a child not having an identity, not having an existence written down and so you’re born, you live your life, you die and [...]

Political Islam and violence – Islam and peace

On 9/11/2012, the anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy in New York and Washington, the US ambassador to Libya and three other diplomats were killed, apparently by a fanatic Islamic group. Naturally, Obama and top US officials as well as Libyans denounced the savage act of violence and promised stepped up security for all US facilities [...]

Corruption in Liberia: The State is not your Friend

When commenting on an article about corruption in Liberia, a poster on my facebook buddy’s wall alluded that the state is not always a friend as generally viewed, especially in the Western context. Certainly, as reported by the Liberian Daily Observer (see it here; http://www.liberianobserver.com/), recent corruption index research reveals that that the entire state [...]

Civil Society angry at Kenya government’s attempt to develop a Health Act

A committee in Kenya’s Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation charged with drafting the Heath Bill has come under scathing attack from members of the civil society for being autocratic and failing to take alternative views from the technical people working outside government circles. At a recent meeting of the CSOs, the groups proposed the [...]

Goldcorp on Trial: First Ever People’s Health Tribunal Shows Commonalities Throughout Mesoamerica

“A few years ago, our people, the people you can see around you, we began to realize what was happening,” Maudilia López told the hundreds gathered to attend the first ever People’s Health Tribunal in San Miguel Ixtahuacán, Guatemala. The event was packed, even as some attendees spilled out of the entrance of the crowded [...]

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