Bangladesh: R&AW engineered attacks on the Buddhists
According to different news reports mob had torched and vandalized the Buddhist village in one of the worst religious attacks in Bangladesh which appeared to have been triggered by a Facebook posting allegedly defaming the Quran. According to bdnews24, on 30th September 2012, seven Buddhist Viharas, around 30 houses and shops were torched in the [...]
Micro Credit, Macro Debt: The Industry of Poverty
Introduction The Industry of Poverty has many faces, as it manifests itself in every society on this globe, its effects are similarly devastating for the poor. What constitutes poverty? When is a person considered poor or low income? Is a person poor when he/she has to live off of less than one (1) USD a [...]
Can We Measure Politics and Political Development?
Measuring how countries perform is all the rage. Everyone from the World Bank to Bertelsmann to Africa’s most famous entrepreneur does it, producing indices on things like how competitive economies are, how hungry populations are, how free the press is, how risky investments are, and how corrupt public sectors are. Many of these indices are [...]
The Riot of the Faithful
The fall out from the Pussy Riot scandal continues unabated. But the activities are less from Riot’s supporters, and more from their detractors. Indeed, it seems that Pussy Riot’s “punk prayer” in Christ Our Savior Cathedral has stirred a hornet’s nest, and now all the little bees are angrily buzzing about, thrusting their tiny stingers [...]
Neo-Nazism in Greece
IS NEO-NAZISM ‘GANG ACTIVITY’ OR A POLITICAL MOVEMENT? In a recent article, THE GUARDIAN noted that the Greek political party represented in parliament is more like a criminal organization than a party. This is the sort of hollow analysis that some writers engaged in about Italy’s Fascist Party and of Germany’s Nazi party before they [...]
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