Digital revolution could help Africa leapfrog into industralisation status
The Germany envoy to Kenya Mrs. Margit Hellwig-Boette said Friday in Mombasa that the digital revolution offers Africa an opportunity that other societies never had—-leapfrog onto development faster. She said quite unlike the US or EU, the digital platform offers Africa a unique opportunity to jump many steps and catch up with the global community. [...]
China’s Piece of the African Cake
We all know that China is deeply invested in Africa. There is, at least on the surface, a mutually beneficial relationship to be had between China and individual nation states. China has money, the capacity to invest and build in Africa, and tends not to be too concerned with such niceties as human rights. Africa [...]
Lesotho’s Renewable Energy Projects One of the Largest in Africa
One of the largest energy projects in Africa is being built in the tiny mountain kingdom of Lesotho. This renewable energy project will make power from wind and water. The Lesotho highlands power project (LHPP) will cost $15bn (£9bn) and will generate 6,000 megawatts (MW) of wind power and 4,000MW of hydropower. Blog this! Bookmark [...]
AFRICA 3: Narcotics and dependent capitalism
The most significant challenge of Africa in the next few decades will be to transform itself from a largely informal and semi-legal “dependent outward-oriented” economy to a legitimate inward-looking one that is integrated intra-continentally under a model that is comparable to that of the EU and develops more equitable terms of trade with developed countries. [...]
AFRICA 2: Rich continent-poor people
From 1969 to 2010 the world’s GDP has risen by 160%, and throughout the last four decades the US share of world GDP has remained steady at 25%, while Africa’s share remains at around the 1970s levels. In 1976 Africa’s share of the world’s GNP was 1.2%, but its percentage of population stood at 7.5%. [...]
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