The Latin American LEFT and the GRASS ROOTS
Introduction Since the Wikileaks and Assange affair, and than the denial to extradite Alexander Barankov, Ecuador positioned itself as the champion of human rights and a defender of free speech. It is a very positive sign that Latin American government step up the plate, and show that democracy indeed has become a fixed feature of [...]
Breaking the Silence in New York; Historic Harlem March to End the Drug War
The Caravan for Peace with Justice and Dignity arrived in New York today and hit the ground running. In the early evening, hundreds of caravan members and New York supporters met each other in Riverside Church to hear the testimonies of the drug war’s devastation on both sides of the border. A mammoth, neogothic structure [...]
Colombia: Cyber attacks against human rights organisation Political Prisoner’s Solidarity Committee
S.E. Juan Manuel Santos, Presidente de la República, Colombia Your Excellency, I am William Nicholas Gomes, Human Rights ambassador for I came to know from Front Line – The International Foundation for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders regarding the situation. Throughout the month of August 2012, the human rights organisation Fundación Comité de [...]
More Hokum From the Folks who Bring us the “Global War on Drugs”
The White House has been floating a new concept in its war on drugs—Colombia as an “exporter of security.” The phrase has popped up in government statements several times just over the past week. Actually, this isn’t the first time. Then Defense Secretary Robert Gates praised Colombia as an “exporter of security” back in April [...]
FARC rebels urged to disarm by Colombian president
One soldier was killed and two more were injured Sunday after simultaneous attacks from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) in several towns of Colombia’s southwestern Cauca region. Police said that the soldier died in one of the first attacks in Suarez municipality, where FARC members launched explosive devices against an army vehicle. Blog [...]
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