Execution in Iran: at least 40 executions in the first week of 2012

January 8: One man was hanged in public in a Gachsaran (western Iran) reported the Iranian state media. According to the state run Iranian news agency ISNA, a man who was not identified by name, was hanged publicly in a village near Gachsaran yesterday Saturday January 7. The man was convicted of rape said the [...]

The new year begins with more executions in Iran

The new year (2012) begins with more reposts of executions in Iran. According to official and unofficial sources at least 25 prisoners have been executed in the past two days. Two prisoners executed in the prison of Arak (south of Tehran): According to Markazinews (official site of the Markazi province, south of Tehran) two prisoners [...]

27/29 December: 7 men were hanged

December 29: Two young men were hanged publicly in Qazvin (west of Tehran) today: Two young men were hanged publicly in Qazvin (Ghazvin; west of Tehran) this morning December 29. According to Jamejamonline (Iranian state television website) two young men identified as “Mohammad” and “Ali” (age not mentioned) were hanged publicly in the Navab-e-Jonubi Street [...]

Nine prisoners (among them one woman) were executed on Christmas Eve in Iran according to unofficial sources

According to reliable sources from Iran nine prisoners were executed in two different prisons in Iran, early his morning December 24. One woman and six men executed in northwestern Iran: According to Mukrian news agency seven prisoners were executed early this morning in the prison of Urmia (Oroumieh), northwest of Iran. Quoting Mr. Masoud Shams, [...]

Woman in S.-Arabia executed for ‘practising sorcery’

An executioner in the northern province of Jawf in Saudi Arabia has beheaded Amina bint Abdulhalim Nassar on Monday for “practising witchcraft and sorcery,” the interior ministry said in a statement carried by SPA state news agency. It is not clear how many women have been executed in Saudi-Arabia, but another woman was beheaded in [...]

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